Saturday, January 6, 2007

The Five Ws

All are welcome. Men, women. Single, married. Believer, non-believer. You needn’t be a “theologian” or have any formal Christian education, just a willingness to grow and (lovingly) spur others to grow. The group is facilitated by me, Nate, with Michael Atto assisting.

This group will read and discuss classics of the Christian faith. The only qualification is that they be written by those who have departed this “mortal coil.” Some works may be comfortable to us and find us in agreement, but others may require wrestling. Our first will be Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together. We will generally read a chapter at a time on our own during the week then come together for discussion. Each "course" will also include an extra or two, such as a shared meal or an opportunity to learn more about an author through a video, museum visit, etc.

Thursdays at 7pm starting January 18th. As we begin each work, a schedule will be posted here. This first work, Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, will be discussed over seven weeks. Depending on the length of future works, the discussion period may be shorter or longer.

New Life Lakeview in the café upstairs. Exceptions will be posted in advance.

This group grew out of a focus group on Dr. Francis Schaeffer's How Should We Then Live? The small but lively group filled a unique niche and there seemed to be a hunger and interest in continuing in the same vein. When I learned of Dead Theologians Societies, the idea seemed a perfect fit. There is much to learn from the great thinkers of our faith, and it's my hope that DTS will be a fun and edifying place to wrestle with their works and to grow in our faith.

[NOTE: This group will be discussing one work for several weeks, breaking for a week or two, then starting with a new work. Ideally, I would love for you to commit to sticking with the group for an extended period. This will allow you to get to know the saints who have persevered before you, as well as the saints persevering alongside you week to week. If you would like to participate for a shorter term, however, please commit to starting a work with us, such as Life Together, and sticking with it. Thanks.]

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